Five miles approx…
The towns of Warwick and Leamington Spa are like conjoined twins: they are so close to each other they are hard to separate, but they are separate towns that have their own identities.
They are also linked by water. The Grand Union canal passes through both towns. Leamington Spa also has the River Leam cutting through it. This flows into the River Avon just where the two towns meet.
Our walk between the towns started (and finished) right in the middle of Leamington Spa, at its famous Pump Rooms. From here we headed westwards across the Pump Rooms Gardens following the footpath along the River Leam. About half way across the Gardens we crossed the Leam via a footbridge.

We continued walking along the other bank.
Once we’d walked underneath Princes Bridge we soon found ourselves on the edge of Victoria Park, a busy, bustling park that skirts the edge of the river. We stopped here for a delightful coffee break at Swirls Victoria Park Café.

We watched the heron on the opposite bank. Once we’d finished our drinks we continued along the riverside walk.

We soon left the park. Suddenly we felt as if we’d left metropolitan Leamington Spa as you accompany open fields to your right. Admittedly, the fields weren’t large, but it was a welcome change from the hustle and bustle we’d left behind.
Soon the path veers away from the river. You feel slightly unsure where you are going until, suddenly, you rise a little and realise your pathway has met the canal.

Here we turned right and walked along the towpath towards Warwick. After passing the remnants of Jephson Farm we realised that the whole canal (and towpath) were on a viaduct that crosses the River Avon. As soon as you cross the viaduct take the staircased path to the right. This is signposted so you can’t miss it. You descend, join the river and then take the path so that you walk back under the viaduct.
Now you continue to accompany the River Avon as the river (and path) pass under a railway bridge. Soon the path opens up as you meet the large and impressive St Nicholas Park.

Warwick Castle is now clearly in view as you follow the river’s contours as it slowly swings to the right.
We stopped off at the delightful bread & co Bakery in Smith Street for a bite to eat.
After resting (and eating) we set off back towards Leamington. Our route back took us along Coventry Street.
This can be easily found by following the signs for the rail station.
As you walk along Coventry Street we gently climbed. Once past the station entrance signs, we soon saw the canal.
To reach the canal we had to follow the path that leaves Coventry Street immediately after we crossed the canal. We then had to double back and walk underneath the road to begin a very pleasant and easy walk back along the Grand Union Canal to Leamington Spa.

You pass through the short section of towpath you walked on earlier when you were heading in the other direction. You now just keep going. You’ll probably know instinctively when you are near the centre of Leamington Spa. If you don’t, simply follow the signposts that send you left, off the towpath, on to Tachbrook Road.
At the first major junction (with Old Warwick Road) cross over, and then under the railway line. Turn right and then left and you’ll then be on The Parade, the main road running through the heart of Leamington Spa. As soon as the road crosses the River Leam, you’ll be back at the Pump Rooms where you started.
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Mill garden – a hidden gem in the heart of Warwick
Jephson Gardens in Leamington Spa