Rydal Hall is a short stroll from Ambelside. If you are on foot , walk along the road towards Grasmere and take the gate on the right through open fields just outside Ambelside. This footpath takes you directly into Rydal Hall.
Its worth exploring the beautiful grounds and the little Grot at the hall.
In the grounds there are various sculptures. We particularly liked this angel by Shawn Williamson situated in the quiet garden and made as a tribute to Josephina de Vasconcellos.
We visited between Christmas and New Year, the waterfall was very full following high rainfall.
The cafe served delicious mulled wine and mince pies which we enjoyed before heading back into Ambelside aslong the river.
We stopped at St Marys Church on the way back.
It really looked beautiful and has so much history attached to it. William Wordswoth worshipped here when he lived at nearby Rydal Mount.

For walks in the area see;